
Monday, 22 October 2012

Sohum Group Varthur,Bangalore

Sohum is the sound of pulsating energy that is evident in the very breath of every living form. Of inhalation (Sooo) and exhalation (Huum). This Sanskrit word, which means I am Him, is the affirmation of the supreme energy within us through every breath we take. When chanted, it aligns the mind and soul, providing inner strength. This universal energy is symbolised in the form of a mandala representing both inward and outward energy… much like the inhalation and exhalation of breath that rouses the power of Sohum.

As a group Our objective is to improve the quality of life by providing world-class infrastructure and homes that will keep you happy for a life time. We intend to provide the power of positive energy for the entire community thru our architecture and design.

In short we would like to introduce ourselves as someone that stands for honesty, integrity and strength, were our primary focus is on delivering finest product to all our customers.
Which come in tune with our project "Sohum Isiri", Isiri is another name Aishwraya in simple terms means prosperity and wealth.

By keeping the high standards that we have set for ourselves we will ensure that we give each home that feeling of warmth and prosperity thru our design and innovation. (which is fully100% Vastu compliant) So do come and be a part of the "Sohum" and "Isiri" family and experience a treat to a Beautiful, Happy and Prosperous Future!

For More Details:  Sohum Group



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Tamil Kavithaigal

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